目前分類:Ecology生態 (4)

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We has only one earth. 我們只有一個地球

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        Octopus change colors 章魚偽裝術



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        Octopus escaping through a one inch hole 章魚逃脫術



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     The worm, called Leucochloridium paradoxum travels into the digestive system of a snail. Then the sporocyst grows into long tubes to form swollen "broodsacs" filled with tens to hundreds of cercariae. These broodsacs invade the snail's tentacles, causing a brilliant transformation, of the tentacles, into a swollen, pulsating, colorful display that mimics the appearance of a caterpillar or grub. Whereas uninfected snails seek dark areas to prevent predation, infected snails have a deficit in light detection, and are more likely to become exposed to predators, such as birds. Birds are the definitive hosts where the cercariae develop into adult distomes in the digestive system of the bird. These adult forms sexually reproduce and lay eggs that are released from the host via the bird's excretory system. These droppings are then consumed by snails to complete the life cycle of this parasitic worm.

       當一種名為Leucochloridium paradoxum雙盤吸蟲的動尾幼蟲侵入了蝸牛的觸角時,牠變蝸牛本來趨向黑暗的行為,轉而朝向光亮處爬行。寄生吸蟲讓蝸牛的觸角發出閃爍條紋狀的光吸引蝸牛的天敵-例如鳥類將其捕食,進而使鳥類成為寄生蟲的宿主。雙盤吸蟲的受精卵透過鳥的糞便離開鳥體,在蝸牛吃下糞便後重新回到蝸牛體內,使其生命週期不斷延續下去。

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